Sunday, March 25, 2012

Distractions & Tattoos

Things that distract me from living a life truly and only focused on Christ:  laziness, worldly music, thoughts, convincing lies of the world, my future. ("If you are depressed, you're living in the past. If you are anxious, you're living in the future. If you're at peace, you're living for the right now" -Pintrest ;) )

I have to DESTROY distractions to receive full blessings on a life that is COMPLETELY focused on God. Getting rid of the distractions and pursuing Him will lead me to His Word. And His Word will lead to be to yearn for deeper insights. The stronger I lean into Him, the stronger He leans into me. (Kurt Parker) So how much do I give our relationship? Is it 50 50? or is it more like 25 75?

Tonight, Tom-E spoke about teaching THE Scriptures not from the Scriptures. We don't teach Christ and then apply His Word to what we're trying to teach, but rather read His word and let the Spirit move through the Scripture. The Holy Spirit makes the Truth of God relevant to those who are listening. Acts 2:13 shows us that the Gospel can seem foolish to those who aren't understanding.

We're not here to earn, but rather honor others. It's a privilege to serve others, even in the smallest of ways. We're here to be a representative of Jesus Christ. We can't let Satan distract us! When we're distracted, we lose the worth we have in representing the God who created us. "We traded our wretchedness for His righteousness." We were made RIGHT. So let's rightly represent.

So let's live by the Spirit, shall we? He knows what we need, so why can't we just surrender it all? ..Suppose he asks you to surrender the closest person to your heart? What about the drinking and partying? What if he asks you to give up clubs?   He knows what we need. Hanging on to these distractions isn't worth it.  "Surrender to who God is and what He accomplished."

What are your distractions?

I've had a lot of time this week to think about my commitment to God. How committed am I really...and to be honest, self evaluation sucks sometimes. But we're to hold ourselves accountable. I believe I got so caught up in finding answers that I wasn't waiting for God to help me. I was doing it by myself, and this was a burden. He has all the answers. His love sets us free. His guidance sets us free. Psalm 119:45 "I will walk in freedom for I have devoted myself to your commandments." As long as I keep myself in His Word and learning His commands, my feet are free to walk anywhere they please. When the Lord changes the route of the path, my freedom feet follow. When the Lord closes a door, my freedom feet wait patiently for the next move. But until then, they remain still in Him...growing and learning from the spot that I'm in.

The Lord is amazing.
Don't let the world dissolve any thoughts or love for him.
In Christ,
Me :)

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