Sunday, July 8, 2012

I Don't Need You

and you don't need me. We forget that no person in this world is a need of ours. For me, I love people. lovelovelove. I love being around people and meeting new people and learning about people. But when it comes down to it...nobody you meet can fulfill you. Nobody can make you whole. Nobody can completely heal you, mend you, fix you. No guy, no best friend, no lover...except the Ultimate One. 
Normally, I break into talking about how great my Ultimate Lover His love letter to me takes up a whole book and how his comfort surrounds me when I let myself recognize it.
But instead, I'd like to inform you that people in the world suck. Everybody will let you down, even the closest to you. You may run into a few best friends who back stab you or a couple boyfriends that aren't what they make themselves out to be, you'll probably run into a few family members that disappoint you and a close at heart friend that will hurt you. Can I tell you why? Satan owns this world. But just because the world is his, doesn't mean we have to be. The world teaches us to hold grudges against these people that hurt us, break our hearts and plot against us. The world teaches us that once one friendship fails, the rest are all going to disappoint us. Or that once one boyfriend fails, all the rest are going to be pricks, also. (sorry) I've had the chance to speak to a lot of hurting people and just meditate on the seed of pain, the comfort of our Lover and the forgiveness and grace of our God. He has not only shown me healing, but has given me the opportunity to open peoples' eyes to His healing. His healing is the ONLY way we can be made whole and complete. Nothing or nobody in this world is going to fix you. 
For the past little bit, I've relied on one of my closest friends to provide comfort and healing and reassurance in my life. He cared after me and loved me and watched out for me! Oh Lord, I am thankful for him!! But let me say this, I was looking to the wrong man to be my healer, my fixer. Because as much as this friend did for me, in the overall scene, it just distracted me. This was my deceptive heart telling me I was healed. 
GOD HAS TO BE MY'd think I'd understand that as many times as I've heard it,
"Don't look to the right or to the left, but keep your eyes on me. You will not be shaken, you will not be moved. I am the hand to hold, I am the Truth, I am the Way. So come to me, come to me. 'Cause I'm all that you need"

God is my Ultimate lover, healer, forgiver, peacemaker. I never ever have to be afraid, His love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me. The world WILL fail you, they will give up on you and God only knows who in this world will run out on you. "Don't let your happiness depend on something on something you may lose." C.S. Lewis.
PEOPLE! God and His Word and the Holy Spirit...we could never lose. We just have to be ready to rely on the Word and the Spirit to act when the world throws hurt at us! This is acting like Jesus would. This is not getting even. This is not reacting like the world tells us to... This is forgiving. This is showing mercy & continuing to love. 

Forgive like Jesus forgave & love like Jesus loved. We have a path to walk in this life, and sufferings are only tiny rocks in the way. 


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