Day 3 of the middle school mission trip! We've been working on a Christian retreat house for girls that have gotten in trouble or just simply don't fit in their homes. It's the same idea as a youth ranch but the power of the Spirit behind that staff makes it something completely different.
Today, we had a chance to hang out with some of the girls. Girls with crazy pasts and tremendous testimonies! God has used these girls to teach me the most simple things and I'm so thankful! I was blessed with the opportunity to grow closer to one of my girls that I've been teaching since 08. She had a stroke years back and lost the ability to use her left arm. But can I say that I have never met a girl with so much confidence from the Lord and so much thankfulness in her heart! Today we went off the side to read some of Matthew together! Matthew 5:14-16 was key in our study.
"you are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, it is placed on a stand to give light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, so they can see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
If we make no effort to affect the world around us, then we're of very tiny value to God. If we're too much like the world, we're useless. We shouldn't be blending in with everyone but instead affecting others positively. do we change the world? How do we impact and affect and revive?! It's as simple as this...
LOVE. It's a 4 letter word that we overuse and complicate and watered down. 1 John 4 tells us that God is love. So with that, if we don't know God, we have no clue what love is. In a letter to the Corinthians, Paul explains what real love is. We have turned these verses into lovey mushy wedding services, our speaker pointed out tonight. But can I tell you this...Paul wasn't intending it to be for 2 lovers but rather for a group of believers that we're performing "good" deeds for their own selfish gain. Paul is simply telling these people, hey you're not acting in love. If you were this is what it would look like...
Patience, kind, does not envy, does not boast, not proud or self seeking, it's not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs, love rejoices in the truth, it always hopes, trusts and perseveres.
Love is sacrifice. This is when I realized how much we water down the story of the cross. Do we even realize that a man who was perfect and complete left his comfort place in heaven to come here to save you? And to save me? We should've been on that cross! That is nothing to be taken lightly. Just because it's history gives us zero right to not recognize the Truth!
I have been searching for a peace providing, all consuming love and this week, God has pursued :) that's what I call a love story!!
So let me spring this prayer on you...God has really laid it on my heart to write. I'm still praying for confirmation, but I think I'm being called to write something big, a book maybe? So all through worship, I prayed. The speaker comes and goes and 1 last worship song ends the night.
However, I can't stand. I felt this empowerment to write and write. I didn't know what, so I just went with it.
"so when it seems that God is not close and my doubts are really kicking in and love in my life has come and gone..HIS love has hope. HIS love NEVER fails, gives up or runs out on me, even if everyone else does. I have God and He is all I need to fulfill this life and my purpose and His plan. He guides with His love, His love is empowering and overjoying. His love answers. His love pursues. When no one else will complete or fulfill you, that's God screaming CHOOSE ME ! Love is not just a feeling, not the butterflies in my tummy or the cheesey smile that won't go away.
Love is an injection of the Spirit! Love is an injection of hope, kindness, patience. Love is something way beyond the butterflies. Love is more real than anything we can imagine. Yes, let's complete the love checklist, patient/kind/not self-seeking... But the only way we can begin to make love a lifestyle is through knowing our Savior. Let's share this genuine joy and this TRUE LOVE that only God can provide! Accepting Gods real love is a choice. And so is settling for the norm and just letting love be the tingling in your toes. No more dull love life. Love is way more exciting than life portrays!!! My Gods love is real and powerful and it's little ole me.
Let the Lord inject His love and His spirit into your life. I can only picture emptiness and depression without this Love,
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