A real man is in love with Lord,
he's sensitive to the Holy Spirit that lives inside of him,
he sees that just having the knowledge of the Spirit means nothing without submitting to the Spirit.
A real man mimics Jesus Christ,
loves unconditionally,
genuinely cares,
selflessly gives and
eternally PROTECTS.
A real man follows in God's footsteps and remains faithful,
he says what he means and means what he says.
He knows I'm a princess of the King and treats me as such.
A real man is a leader and a teacher.
He acts & behaves in the ways of himself, the way God made him instead of the way everybody else wants to make him. He's God's own, not the world's.
A real man doesn't conform to his surroundings just to fit in, no! He stands out! He goes against the crowd, he's set apart. His qualities are nothing the world wants, but what God wants.
A real man gives his all to stay in the Word and stay focused on eternal life, instead of temporary.
A real man doesn't compare himself. Who's to judge? No one is any better than the other.
A real man humbles himself,
holds tight to his integrity &
remains faithful always.
A real man doesn't just say/do the things to please me,
because he knows that nothing on this temporary world
could give me the genuine joy that Jesus Christ does.
Therefore, his goal in making me happy...is simply
checking daily on my relationship with Jesus Christ,
teaching me new things about God's character,
holding me accountable to the Word,
embracing my spiritual walk & prayer life,
living out the example that he preaches.
This is the example that Jesus Christ has set for me...for my future husband. So I refuse to settle and just grow and grow and grow while waiting on God's timing. As for now, it's just me and the big man upstairs and it's the best relationship I could ever ask for.
Finally, a someone who genuinely loves me! and actually pursues me out of selfless ambition. A lover who wants to bless me and heal me and help me and grow me! He wants the best for me and wants to love me no matter what! HE PROTECTS ME! I have nothing to fear when He's by my side. And the best part of all? He's been waiting on me, humble & silent, to realize that I don't need anything but Him. God is my everything. And the Word is His love letter. A man who means what he says, and says what he means. Whose actions speak louder than words.
And He's been patiently waiting for me this whole time,
I think I'm in love :)
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