Sometimes...most times...we get distracted with our stories, our life, our goals. I was blessed with a reminder tonight that I'm part of not just a bigger story, but THEE story. A story that I'm called to live for, a story that has been going on since the beginning of creation. Who am I to think for a second that this story has anything to do with just me?
Accepting Christ is God empowering one with the Spirit. I'm not given this power & this Spirit to boost me up in achieving my own story. That's like taking a box of pizza to a homeless shelter and eating the whole thing on the way there. This empowerment of the Spirit, is not meant to be taken selfishly. So with this Holy Spirit inside, we run! We have accepted to play this part for God. Being who He calls me to be, living where He places me and doing what He asks of me.
When we surrender, we surrender it ALL because when we accept the Spirit to live in us, we accept it ALL.
The thing that's so awesome about God is that no matter who He calls me to be, or where, He's constant, never changing, always loving. And although this is His story, He's still gracious enough to be faithful. Jeez louise, this isn't even my story and He still wants to love this broken and sinful character. God makes my heart melt; my Ultimate Lover makes my heart melt.
He gives me the chills and He overjoys me like nobody else. He shows me a true & genuine relationship & lovership. When 2 are joined together, nothing else but the true light of Christ should be seen. And even though I feel like this is my love story sometimes, ultimately it's His. I think that God's story book doesn't have chapters. The story that He's writing is so great and powerful that there can never be even the tiniest break to start a new chapter. He just keeps going and going. And the thing is, we can see this book being written! When have I ever had the chance to watch a brilliant author write his book!? (...Well never, because I hate reading:) and watching that would be like watching paint dry to me.) But God's God, not just an ordinary author.
"These people (early church) were seeking to engage on what God was doing & as they engaged on what God was doing, God showed up & did incredible things" -Todd Nighswonger
All I have to do to be in this story, is to accept Christ, be empowered by His Spirit and engage, become a part of His movement! For me, the first is checked. The second is checked and still learning about the empowerment and the third is a work in progress. Constantly praying, "God just show me where you're working"
Working for Christ is fulfillment. And again, this isn't my story, but being apart of God's story fills me up, how selfless, faithful & loving can one God be?!
Romans 5:5 "For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with this love."
God, why did you write me in this story of Yours?
This is awesome Maddie!