Friday, August 24, 2012

coincidences my TUSH

How can this be His story if He is the one constantly loving, pursuing and fulfilling me? God molded me and made me and put me in this world to be a light for Him, to show Him off and make Him famous. I just can't fathom how living for a god can make me so complete, make me who I'm supposed to be...a whole Maddie Miller.

I think it's probably, definitely, most likely because He's not just a god. Jesus Christ is the only god who is still alive. The only god that can live inside of us. The only god that reaches out to us. I've taken a back seat on this whole worldly god thing, where people pick and choose different aspects of different gods and put them together to make god. And in taking this backseat, I've had the opportunity of learning a lot, a lot, a lot, behind the scenes of it all. I've learned that it makes people happy and it promotes peace and love and kindness. Which, I mean great! The world could use some sunshine.     
But when did this world become completely about us? From the moment we entered this world, we were shown what a servants heart looks like. So where is that gap in the road? When did we make it about serving ourselves? & If it's not Holy-Spirit-alive-in-us kind of driven, then what kind of driven is it? Promoting happiness and love is great but going to the core of this worldly god thing is the desire to please can I make myself feel better without offending anyone?....

Weird, I just glanced over and my Bible was open to this:
"Then Jesus said, 'Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own." Luke 12:15

So no matter how much happiness we own, no matter how much kindness we spread, if God isn't the basis for doing it, then it means nothing..(Col. 3:23)

It's just something new that I've learned this summer! God has blessed me so much with this genuine joy & growth in serving Him, I just can't keep my trap shut anymore.

>Self-obtained happiness is great, God-ordained happiness is SO MUCH greater!

Tonight, we had a Belize reunion. Spirit-driven stories are the only super good ones.
Two of my beautiful, lovely, amazing friends and I are sitting outside. One girl has given her life to Christ and my other is in pursuit! I cannot express to you the genuine & godly joy that overwhelmed my heart when the beauty in pursuit said this, "I'm envious of strong women that can have a relationship with Christ." I'm still overwhelmed because those words are words that I can remember thinking a few months ago. And once a spirit starts to reach for the Holy Spirit, they won't be left hangin'. God is about to rock this beauty's world, I just know it! THEN! towards the end of the conversation, she says this, "have you ever heard of Harborside? I hang out with their pastor at Starbucks like everyday."   God, seriously? Get out of here.  When God pursues, He really means serious business.

So in thinking of God's pursuit for this beauty, He reminded me of our love story. The way He has pursued, loved, and just made On the way home, I was listening to an old CD and the lyrics said "time to take all the lamp shades off"   (I'm here to be this shining, not complacent, joy-sharing light bulb)     Since that line, I've been thinking about my lamp shade. That dulling cover over my light for the Lord, is it gone yet?

God is in my every moment! A few seconds ago, God used a friend to text me His answer,
"idk what it is yet, but theres
just something about you that

again God...get out of here! coincidences my BUTT. God is here, God is here.

The Spirit is SO SO SO SO SO alive inside of this temporal flesh. NONE of this is my doing, the Spirit came in and transformed my worldly Spirit. Though being 100% spirit-led all the time is perfection, is Jesus Christ... God has planted this desire in my heart to recognize & step on flesh-led actions. And because the Spirit is so alive in this rotting flesh, recognizing other lights for Christ has become quite the excitement,

ps. coincidences are simply God moving,
so when you see paths being crossed,
you're seeing God working

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