Backtrack to Monday and hear this news!...Since I knew I was part of this trip, I've been praying for God to give me opportunities to share His name and tell people how genuine and amazing my Lover really is. Boy, has he blessed that! Tuesday night, about 6 of our group members were out front of my loft hanging out. Out of nowhere, the God topic comes up. Guys, I had the opportunity to really share Him!! And I mean hands down, complete silence in the room, open ears. GOD MOVED. And this time it was different...sharing God with people really has nothing to do with the knowledge you have OF Him but the love you have FOR Him. That love is really what shines and gets peoples' attention! End of the conversation, this boy comes next to me and says "Ya know, I used to know & feel what you're feeling" And from that night on, God has blessed me with so many more opportunities like this, it's crazy!
In a group full of atheists, naturalists, you name faith is growing deeper & stronger and I'm falling more in love :)
OH! Dinner time was a HUGE blessing as well! One of the girls sat next to who is very ambitious and motivated and adventurous. Turns out, she lives part time in India and is a HUGE activist for sex trafficking. We've been brain storming and plotting and learning from each other. How awesome our God truly is!!!!!
THEN! when you think He can't do much else...He listens. I've been having a bit of discouragement being the only one here that really knows the Truth, so that's been on my heart. Well, a surprise professor ended up coming on the trip so she can learn how to lead one and she's a believer! She's a Christian and very much in the Word and puts the Lord before anything & everything & everyone. It gives me chills just thinking about how God took care of me so quickly!
The past 2 days, people have really started to confide their stories in me. The Spirit inside of me has given them this grand welcoming to share their hearts. That is nothing of my doing, I don't even know that me just as myself without Christ would want to listen, but we are all just souls with bodies and I've been given the answer to completing my soul. Listening and sharing is just the most incredible thing God has put into this Spirit. I'm so thankful.
So Tuesday begins...we visited a Mayan ruin (one that I won't attempt to spell out). I can't lie, it was SO boring. Until we got to climb:) 150 feet up in the air sat this very ancient eroding Mayan building... one where royalty lived. We got to the very top and I've seriously never seen anything like it. From the top, you see all green. You see Belize and Guatemala. You see beauty, everywhere, wondering how the lost can't see God. I couldn't help by just smile, knowing that all this beauty was hand crafted by my Lover! Getting down was the worst thing ever. The stairs...weren't really stairs and it was more like pieces of rock to climb down. So thankful for Dillon, he slowly stepped ahead and encouraged me the whole way down.
Next up was canoeing. It's not the first time I've gone canoeing but it's most definitely the first time I've gone canoeing with monkeys climbing throughout the trees next to me! :) Again, just the beauty of God's work is breathtaking.
Mmmm, last night was a night hike in flip flops and early pass-out. And! I learned that the sky has freckles. The stars here are indescribable, Florida doesn't do our night sky a justice.
This morning was beautiful, like all the others. Walking in the cold, up to our outside dining area surrounded by trees and rain out of the norm for me. Breakfast was amazing. All the food here has been the best thing I've ever tasted..!!
Today consisted of a HUUUUGE, beautiful cave and another hike through some boring ruins. But! Again...climbing the ruins was an amazing feeling. Getting up so high on such little steps is such an accomplishment!! Getting down is scary, but I don't think about it :) I just try to stick next to somebody who looks more retarded than I do climbing down!
Next up was this big watering, swimming hole thing. There was one little waterfall and a bunch of mini rapids to go with it. 4 of us ventured off to find the length of the river. As the 3 made their way back, I stayed put at the top of the waterfall and had the opportunity to finally just be alone with my Lover. Yes, He's always with me, but the alone time with Him has had to be minimal. We sat for a little bit and headed back:) with Mrs. Tut. To be brutally honest, the speaker and the worship was AWFUL! But, regardless, the Spirit was alive in that room. It didn't matter how bad everything was, the Lord was just movin'! I made an adorable little friend named....And then! Another God moment, the speaker gets up and says "We're speaking about love. Turn to 1 Corinthians 13" God literally JUST taught me these verses in depth last week at the Engage conference with my middle schoolers! ...Whom, by the way, have come up atleast 5 times a day:) So the man goes through 1 Corinthians. And I don't know if it was just me or the Spirit moving, but I felt led to go ask Him if I could speak with him. He was a very monotone, strange man. But we ended up speaking to the pastor as well who asked me to come lead the youth night Saturday night!!! How awesome is our God! His Spirit inside of me is moving and growing and loving, I'm so excited!!!
God has blessed me with a lot of amazing conversation already this week. Tonight, the other Christian lady and I got to talking about relationships. We swapped stories and she really encouraged me because she's so happy to be married. Most people aren't. And I really have been starting to limit God when it comes to that part of my life. I've been completely satisfied with the idea of being a very independent woman of Christ. This could be the plan for me, but I also need to be open to God bringing a man around. I guess. I still struggle with the idea of ever letting any man back in, but if they genuinely have the Spirit, then it shouldn't be a heartbreaker because it would all be to the glory of God. The way that I see it...we're called to be a light in the darkness. So I picture all christians walking around as light bulbs and when 2 light bulbs get together, they make it 2x brighter. THIS is how relationships should be. And I won't ever settle for less again. The more light, the less dark. Hm, nice concept God :)
So all in all, the food is AMAZING.
Yesterday our guide said to me, "When I'm talking, you shut up" & it was rude.
This boy keeps asking me to tea when we get home.
My professor has officially adopted me.
I take my pillow in the van everywhere we go.
I bought stuff.
& I'm so complete :)