Monday, April 28, 2014

Wuddup Q

Here we are, 1/3 of the way through 2014. How is this possible? I feel like time just keeps pickin’ up the pace. Everyday goes a little quicker, a little faster. Opportunities come, times change, people grow, life happens. But with all of this rapid movement, do I have a designated time to pull away from all of this and just be with God? Read His words, praise Him and thank Him for being God no matter what I’m facing… Through every good and every bad, God is still God and God is still good.

 The beginning of this year started out rough with Luke and I ending our relationship. And the first of Grandpa’s birthdays celebrated without him. Needless to say, we serve a God that loves us enough to care about even our tiniest hurt, so He’s been doing some crazy healing in my heart and in my family’s. On March 2, I went to The Chapel in Tarpon Springs where Pastor Q taught me this:

In James 1, the 12 tribes followed Jesus but were tortured and beaten for doing so. But because of this, the Gospel was spread throughout the land. James 1:2 “..when trouble comes your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” Joy comes from the delight we have in knowing who the Savior is, no matter the circumstance.
James 1:3 “..know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” Perseverance: the ability to remain under.

>>God uses trials to build the strength & ability in me to remain under who He is, therefore, being the Madison I am called to be<<

Testing always precedes advancement
“When He sees that I’m not attached to anything or anybody more than Him, He’ll give me more to oversee”

Ok, so embrace the hurt, don’t bury it. God will use it. And oh boy, has He ever.
It seems like since I sat through that sermon, things have really grown. Rapidly. Opportunities have come up that can’t be explained anything short of God’s doing. In April, alone, I’ve had the opportunity to tell big crowds of people about the hope and peace of knowing Jesus Christ throughout cancer. (Philippians 4:7 “You will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.”) He’s taken B.A.L.D., from our last blog post, to a whole new extreme that I definitely did not see coming. And there’s now a magazine and a website with His name on it.    I will never be a Jesus-down-your-throat-shover, but I will follow His greatest command –to love. And with that, I want to love on people and show the light of Christ to those who are stuck in a dark place, whether it’s because of cancer or not. There’s a hope and a peace to get us through- that was found in the presence of my Savior. Jesus.

“When did love become un-consuming?
When did love become unmoving?
Forget what the world has told me.
My Love, my Father of Love, you can have me.
I will never look back, so Jesus,
Here’s my heart” –Sidewalk Prophets

Please be praying with the next few speaking events coming up- the people listening.
“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they my have the full riches of complete understand, in order that they may know Christ.” Colossians 2:2

And for my words to be His. (The next speaking event will be the Relay for Life at Palm Harbor University on Friday, May 2! Come hang out if you have an open night)
“May the God of hope fill me with all joy & peace as I trust in Him so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Just a quick cancer throwback- Thank you to EVERYONE who prayed for, over and with me during cancer. I truly, really know that it is because of those prayers that I am healed. And it’s because of those prayers that cancer, chemo and radiation was way easier than it should’ve been. I’ve gone through my cancer folder in my iPhoto and reading through all of the screenshot texts and Facebook messages just made me thank the Lord like crazy for every single person that encouraged me through. I wish there was a deeper word for thank you, but for now that’s all I got! Just know you are SO appreciated! I was reminded of the power of prayer and encouragement when I went to visit a friend in the hospital a couple weeks ago. He had been in a coma from a motorcycle accident, but because of all the prayer pouring into this guy and his family, the doctors have been ecstatic about his recovery. As of today, we’re almost 3 weeks out from the date of his accident, and Josh Mueller is makin’ his way back to his family & friends. Praise God!

More later, 
just couldn't give out all my secrets at once :)

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