Monday, July 29, 2013

Publix Humiliation

"One Thing Remains" started playing on my shuffle a few minutes says "and on and on it goes, yes it overwhelms my soul" and without hesitating, I found myself agreeing, yeah my struggles are going on and on and overwhelming my insides.     Within about a 3 second reality check, the song screams at me to let Jesus' love be what goes on and on, overwhelming and satisfying me. 

I finished by 4th chemo treatment today and I'm starting to understand the weak, physical body feeling. Something is always aching. Last week, Grammie was diagnosed with cancer. This week Luke's grandma is being biopsied for what may be cancer. And today, my precious little 11 year old baby brother was taken to the ER with strep and mono. Doctors concluded I can't see him for 4-6 weeks.    what. 

I promise, Jesus, that I will NEVER complain about another thing ever again for the rest of my life. Sheesh. I'm thankful for everything, you can lighten up any time now.

Actually, I don't know that I'd want Him to lighten up just yet. Godly things are at work because of all this mess and I love it. I mean I wish it didn't take publicly humiliating myself but...

 I went to Publix the night I got home and passed out in the parking lot on the way to my car. So I come to and this lady is helping me sit up on the curb...turns out she's an RN. She has someone get me water, while her husband(?) is picking me up and hold-walking me to her car. Obviously, I'm thanking them like crazy and he says "please, stop. this is what God made the family for. we're meant to be here for each other."   Trying not to cry, I watch the man and his son walk into Publix and his wife and I drive to my apartment as she tells me that she swears her son has this crazy strong connection with God. He was diagnosed with cancer at 2 and is now in remission at age 11, loving and being thankful for every haircut and cheeseburger she buys him.  This amazing lady grabs all my groceries from her car and walks them up to my apartment and leaves her name and number in case I needed her again. Wow. 

THIS IS FAITH FAMILY. It seems like it's gotten so easy for people to say they believe in Jesus. God is used way too much as just a 'give-me-peace-my-life-sucks' mindset or when somebody dies, God seems to magically become top of the list to comfort those hurting. Is he not there when we don't feel like having him there?   This is really pushing in my thoughts for some reason, but sophomore year at Countryside a very beautiful, very fun girl named Chelsea passed away. Needless to say, Countryside had an even more depressing feeling to it for the next few months as people healed. But it seemed that as soon as she died, it became "the thing" to rely on God. Bible verses were getting posted, church numbers went up...but as soon as that got old, the drinking and smoking and all the worldly things started right back up. 

I'm not perfect. I don't live perfectly.   Knowing that Jesus was perfect, makes me want to be like Him so I'm going to follow him...forever. Because feeling His spirit constantly and watching Him turn such broken things into something so beautiful, is more than I could ask for. Especially in this time of my life. When absolutely nothing is going right. (well "right" in the world's eyes. They're perfect in His and I pray for God's peace to know this)  I am so very thankful for the Publix people, because had they not been the real & alive followers of Christ that they are, I don't know what I would've done. And I certainly wouldn't have felt the comfort of the Spirit that was in their touch. They weren't just good people...they were Jesus to me. 

"Remind me, you take broken things and turn them into beautiful.
I'll stop praying for an escape.
I'll trust you God with where I am and believe that you will have Your way.
Even if my dreams have died,

 I'll still worship you with all of my life."

-Britt Nicole, Have Your Way

I seriously love my life, I am so so blessed. I believe it whole heartedly!! When I close my eyes, I like to just sit in front of my mind's image of Jesus and hug Him. Literally just let His comfort take over and rest in His arms. Being in God's presence, Bible out in front, listening to worship songs is what's keeping me alive in this moment. It's so strengthening and encouraging. But just because cancer stops doesn't mean these nights will. I'm going to need this for the rest of my life. To get rejuvenated in Christ. Because constantly being in the world, is hard.  So I'm closing on this world for the night...and finishing up some Job. :)

Job 19:25 "I know that MY REDEEMER LIVES."

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I love you so much!! You speak such loving truth that I just wish the whole world could grasp. I'm praying for you sweet girl. Praise the Lord for those awesome Publix people.
