Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cancer Equivalent to a Head Cold

If you're reading this, you've probably already seen my news. I haven't had still time to process it all so if you continue to're agreeing to process with me :) 
Aaand go!

Last Tuesday, I woke up with chest pain.
Last Thursday, I called my primary to make an appointment and they send me to the Emergency Room. 

In the ER, they run a bunch of tests and scan my chest.
In room 17 in the ER, doctor comes in and says they found a mass and I had to stay over night, so they wheel me away to room 644. (I'm making that number up)

Can I just say...being contained in a small little box with a curtain separating some other diseased roommate and I isn't my idea of a good time. Anyways! Many phone calls, flowers and visitors later, the nurse comes in and says my biopsy is at 4:00 the next day and I can't eat or drink until then....what. But at least I had flowers...

So sleeptime comes and it's so true when people say that the nurses will wake you up just to make sure you're sleeping okay... 

Morning hits...I'm asking Jesus constantly, "why 4:00? I had hoped this biopsy would be sooner!"...go figure, the Holy Spirit's in full comes the nurse, "Madison, we got your biopsy moved. They're on their way to come get you now" WHAT! :) 

God is cool and I'm beside myself how anybody could go without Him. There's a fun life that you can live for yourself but there's an even MORE fun and greater life waiting when we live for Christ.

Wheel me away...take me to dr.Anil...knock me out and needle me! Back to my room to wait some more, wait some more, lungs didn't collapse, I can go home!!! My family wheels me away and brings me home!

Following Wednesday, primary doctor appointment. "You have cancer-lymphoma"
I can honestly say this was probably one of the most exciting days of my life. And I say this not to seem, "oh maddie, shes great" but truly to say this...I knew that God was about to work HUGE. and that He had a big plan involving some great people. I knew that God was going to go crazy with this..reaching people I've never even met more, bringing people to a relationship with Him and a plan to overall make Him famous. And I am still completely beside myself to this night that He is using me to do something so big for Him. I am honorably excited! And I couldn't be more truthful with you.

As of tonight, it's been a week. There's been...
Dr. Appts: 10
"Praying for you"'s: over 147 (in text/FB comment alone)
Flower bouquets: 7
Cards mailed: 9
Reach outs from people I've never met: 4
Encouraging voicemails/phone calls: over 15
Verses sent: 21
Church congregations praying: 5 (known)
Other statuses asking for prayer for me: 11
My page alone, over 833 "likes" on cancer related topics..

Tell me that I'm crazy for counting...but I'm ECSTATIC that God chose me for this. and the amount of encouragement and love that He has cast upon my soul is remarkable. I wake up every morning knowing that I'm being prayed for and my Spirit is automatically connected with Christ and I feel joy, and peace and love. HE is why I'm excited and ready for this.

Shouldn't we always be lifting each other up like this, though? Accepting a life to live for Christ is accepting a whole new family. Our brothers and sisters should wake up every morning being able to feel and know the way that I feel and know. I don't want to be lazy anymore! I want other followers to wake up and KNOW that they are being prayed for, KNOW that their Spirit is loved and not alone and best of all...know that as followers and transformed Spirits of God, that we are one.  We are united.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit...He is a community in and of Himself.
We are made in His image, we are MADE for community.
We are MADE to encourage, reminding each other daily that we are praying for the other.. asking each other what can be prayed for. 

When was the last time that I felt I was being prayed for this much? Freshman year of high school
When was the last time that I asked and reminded someone I was continually praying for a specific situation daily? Not in a while.

So, I will no longer wait until it takes something huge and traumatic to remind my family that I'm praying constantly for them! I want my sisters and brothers waking up, knowing and feeling they're being prayed for. Feeling this peace and joy daily, no matter what's going on! Finding the Light of Christ through any darkness. 

God is good!!!!! 

Biopsy in the morning to determine the stage of cancer.
10am oncologist appt on friday!



  1. I cant wait to see you soon, you are so cool!! Add my church to those praying for you! cant hurt to have one is another time zone : ) <3 lisa

  2. Prayers headed your way from Michigan and a house full of praying little children. He's using you already. Stay strong in Him!

    <3 from Robyn's cousin

  3. You have no idea how much I needed changing for one of your former youth leaders....mark me one. Can't wait to see how many others you touch. Love you, sweet girl!

  4. Honey - I don't know you but I DO know a bit about what your journey will be like ahead since my husband was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Nov. He is in remission and we believe God is continuing to heal him and we stand on that daily. He went thru two rounds of chemo and is now doing everything wholistically. You will be in my prayers and my thoughts - you and your family because this ride is tough on those who love you too. Be strong! God DOES have a big reason for this and He will give you the ability to make it through this.

  5. You are an amazing young woman, Maddie and I know God is using you in a mighty way. Please know that there are many prayers being sent and you are such a great example of what a Christian should be. You have no better friend, Father, comforter, physician...Rom. 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

  6. I love you sweet Maddie<3 You and your family are in thoughts and prayers!!

  7. Your such an inspiration! I'm currently doing missionary work in Mexico and my Uncle sent me your link. Your endless courage and faith reminds me to trust God with everything. Praying for you!!

  8. Maddie,
    You won't remember me since the last time I saw you, you were a little girl. We attended PHCC together. My daughters are 18 & 23 so you were right in the middle. I came to know of your cancer first by one of my best friends then through my youngest daughter's school, Calvary, then again from a friend I work with that you are close friends with her daughter. All that to say that you were brought back to my world for a reason. I am praying for you daily. I have read your blogs and am amazed at the faith and strength that you show. You truly are an inspiration and I hope to meet you some day soon. My youngest daughter read your first blog today and was shocked that you were finding joy in cancer. I pray that I can see that kind of faith in her someday. Stay stong Maddie. God is good ALL the time.
