Today was a 10am to 8pm shift day. I kept hearing Colossians 3:23 run throughout my thoughts all day, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.." So, I changed my mindset. Think of a lord. Lord Farquad from Far Far Away in Shreck. He had servants..everyone obeyed him and what he says goes. Our Lord is WAY better than that dude. So I thought...the Lord is my manager, my boss, my owner. And what a joy it suddenly became to work for the one who saved my soul. Our souls were originally on their way to hell and Jesus Christ rescued us! I think I forget that sometimes. But what more of a love story could we ask for? You got the fire, the enemy and the attack. Except our knight in shining armor knows us and loves us more than any rescuer ever could!
So anywho...shift ends and I shoot home to relax and watch Holes (on Disney). The mountain that Zero and Shia climb is called God's thumb. Once they get to the top Zero says something about how cool it feels and how peaceful it is to be up there. It reminded me of how followers of securely in the palm of our Father's hand. And when we allow Him to put us there, it's so exciting and peaceful
And as my eyes are Daily Bible verse pops on my e mail...Titus 1:15 "To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted." and I thought...well duh. But the commentary by Dave Whitehead taught me a lot. He says that this passage is crucial to how we perceive the world. Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Does everything around you seem corrupt? Maybe the surroundings are not the issue. According to this Scripture we view things according to the condition of our heart. Wow. One more time...we view things according to the condition of our heart. So, in order to keep our hearts pure, we have to keep it fed. We have to constantly be in the Word to know what's pure and what's not..what will help our Spirit and what will starve it.
Can I just these blogs are my struggles. But it almost seems to me like God types through my fingers the motivation I've been lacking. Praise be to Him! What an awesome God! :) So there it is..working for the Lord, letting Him secure us in who He is and the lifestyle of the pure heart. Whaaaat a lesson today, God.
Daily Update: White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cliff bar for breakfast. Work for 10 hours. Maddie Hart is a GRANDE blessing in the work place. Best shower ever. Hurting feet. Sunshine all day tomorrow! :)
Praying for God to use this blog if it be His will.
In Him,
Maddie :)
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